For This I Have Prayed Introduction

Years and years ago, when we first began our adoption process, I wrote about it in just a Word document. Then, during our second and third adoptions, I had a blog .But then life caught up with me, and I stopped writing. I have missed it, and the Lord has been gracious enough during the […]

Goodnight FB, Hello Healthier Life

I’ve never been a person who has been completely obsessed by social media. I have enjoyed it as a means to the end of keeping up with friends I have, and then later, I was able to use it for purposes of ministry. I met some amazing people, I’ve gained new skills, and I’ve learned […]

Free falling

Roller coasters are not my favorite thing to do. In fact, even the supposedly calm ones cause my stomach to tie up in knots and sit in my throat. I don’t think I qualify for adventurous ever! I feel like I’ve been on the worlds biggest, longest never ending roller coaster over the last few […]

Blind Trust

During this pandemic in our world, it is so hard to know what life will look like from one week to the next week. I am a planner by nature. If we go on vacation, I want it fairly mapped out what we are doing and when. I even schedule rest breaks. Not a ton […]

Speak Life

There are two choices on the shelf, pleasing God or pleasing self. Have you ever heard that said before? It was something repeated often as I was going through elementary and high school. As sing song and rhyming as it is, it packs a huge punch. There are literally only two options in this life. […]

Attaining My Goals

I have felt very overwhelmed lately trying to make sure my kids get all of their work done for home education. I feel like I’m not doing a very good job of that, my house feels like it is always disorganized because we are home all the time, I had all of these grand plans […]

Change of Plans

When I was a little girl, I had big plans, much like every other little girl. I wanted to have a big wedding, and then I wanted to have lots of babies. I actually always said I wanted an orphanage. Enter health problems beginning at age 11, and I was told I would never have […]

Unexpected Blessings

Over the past year, I have had several requests on my heart that I have prayed about quite often. At times, I would even feel despair thinking there was no way that these requests would ever get answered. I prayed and prayed. I read books and studies Christian authors on the subjects of my prayers, […]

Winds of Change

I started writing at the beginning of the covid-19 journey with hope and trust. I wrote about how I had been quarantined before and I came out fine. I was a bit naive. I haven’t written a word in weeks. I haven’t really known what to say. First, it was a virus in far away […]

Just Keep Walking

I was writing quite a bit at the beginning of this pandemic. It was full of hope, and how I had made it through quarantine before, so I knew everything would turn out fine. But two solid weeks of being home, my perspective has shifted a little bit. And I am rather ashamed to even […]

Lessons from Practiced Quarantine

For many Americans, sheltering in place is something they have never done. For some, like me, who have compromised immune systems, who have had many surgeries, this is not unlike what we must do during most flu seasons. I will not say that I am not worried, because I most certainly am. But, I’ve also […]